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Why It Is Valuable to Get HubSpot Certifications

Written by Dave Orecchio | Jan 2, 2023 1:00:00 PM

HubSpot is one of the leading platforms for sales, marketing, and customer service, and has been rapidly growing its customer base and users since it launched in 2006. When using HubSpot, it is valuable for users of the platform to get one or more product certifications and for anyone to get any of the methodology certifications. But how do you use these in-depth online courses to earn a HubSpot certificate? And why is it valuable to do so?

What are the steps to get a HubSpot certification?

To get your HubSpot certificate, you first need to create your free HubSpot account or log into the account your company purchased, and then navigate to the HubSpot Academy page. This allows you to take any of the free courses.

Image by HubSpot

Once there, select the HubSpot certificate you would like to get, and follow the learning steps as outlined in that certifications (videos included) up to and including taking the certification exam. An important tip: Take detailed notes as you progress through the courses for your HubSpot certification, because they will help you successfully pass the certification exam.

Each certificate will display helpful information on its page, including the number of lessons, videos, and quizzes, as well as how long it should take. Additionally, you may get other information, including the target audience, available languages, and the material you will learn. For example, the inbound sales certificate has the following course details:

  • 5 lessons

  • 22 videos

  • 5 quizzes

  • Duration of 3:12 hours

Image by Hubspot

You should also be mindful that while a number of certificates are accessible with only a free account, not every certificate exam is free. Thus, a paid HubSpot account will give you a much deeper set of educational options by providing access to the full catalog of courses.

What is a HubSpot certification worth?

HubSpot provides many types of certifications. Many provide education on marketing, sales or service methodologies. Another category of certifications relate to the use of the HubSpot products. None of these certifications take very long to complete, so the investment is fairly low.

The benefit to someone who is looking for a job is pretty clear. You as a candidate can provide third-party certifications that relate to your career, and if the hiring company uses HubSpot, then both the methodology and HubSpot product certifications will make you a valuable candidate.

The most popular HubSpot certifications and the ones we recommend are: 

There are many HubSpot certification courses, but some are more popular than others. Several of the most popular HubSpot certifications include:

  • Social Media Marketing — In this certification course, you will learn how to build an effective social media strategy, extend your reach, excel in digital advertising, measure ROI, and more.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) — In this certification course, you will learn all things SEO, including website optimization, link building, keyword research, and much more.

  • Inbound Sales — In this certification course, you will learn how to identify new prospects, connect with them, explore their needs, and advise them on a path forward.

  • Inbound Marketing — In this certification course, you will learn about inbound marketing techniques and develop an understanding of the core tactics.

  • Content Marketing — In this certification course, you will learn how to become an effective content marketer. Learning the details behind content marketing can help you excel at inbound marketing since content is a core component for success. Content creation is one challenge every business faces. Learning how to create a content strategy will help you be more effective and generate results for your company.

  • Email Marketing — In this certification course, you will learn how to build an effective email marketing strategy as part of your inbound efforts.

These popular certificates are based on the HubSpot Academy's assessment of which courses are most popular. HubSpot does a great job researching these topics and creating valuable content for anyone, even if you consider yourself an expert.

Image by HubSpot

While these courses are among the most popular, your career or work requirements most likely will prompt you to take other certification courses. The HubSpot certification process is high quality across the board, so you can and should be sure to check out whatever courses attract your interest or fill a need.

Inbound certification an important mindset for any marketer in this digital first age

In 2006, Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah founded HubSpot centered on the inbound marketing concept. They transformed the way the industry went about marketing to their prospects. Instead of pushing company information to contacts, they would create valuable content that attracted their ideal prospect to them.

The HubSpot inbound certification is a core curriculum that every marketer should obtain and will educate you about the inbound methodology fundamentals.

In this certification course, you will learn about inbound marketing techniques and develop an understanding of the core tactics of inbound marketing. It has:

  • 8 lessons

  • 24 videos

  • 7 quizzes

  • Duration of 5 hours

Digital Marketing certification — a valuable educational resource for any marketer

One of the target audiences who benefit most from the digital marketing course is those with general marketing experience, but not much in the digital area. Digital marketing is any kind of marketing that happens on a digital platform. Whether it’s on your website, your social media, or through email, it’s digital marketing.

Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. It’s a way to market (usually using digital marketing tactics) that draws in qualified leads, rather than blasting a message out to a mass audience.

The digital marketing certification course will teach you the fundamentals to become an effective digital marketer with an inbound-first mindset. HubSpot's digital marketing course has:

  • 9 lessons

  • 37 videos

  • 11 quizzes

  • Duration of 4:27 hours

Will HubSpot product certifications make you more productive using HubSpot software?

It goes without saying that learning any product will make every user more productive. Therefore, it makes sense to gain certifications for the products in the HubSpot suite that you plan to use on a daily basis. One of the benefits of using a software product in the cloud is that HubSpot can instantly deploy new features and enhancements. Having a certification, which has to be renewed annually, keeps you up to date with these changes and enables you to get the most out of the software solution.

  • HubSpot Marketing Software — In this certification course, you will, at a high level, learn how to use Marketing Hub to drive traffic to your website, nurture your contacts with personalized web and email content, and manage your relationships at scale using segmentation and marketing automation tools. In this lesson, you'll learn how Marketing Hub fits within the larger context of an inbound business, how to navigate through the software, and how to use the all-in-one toolkit to achieve your marketing goals.

  • Email Marketing — In this certification course, you will learn how to build an effective email marketing strategy as part of your inbound efforts.

  • HubSpot Reporting — In this certification course, you will learn that inbound marketing is a constant balancing act between adapting to the needs of your customers and innovating to grow and scale your business. How do you know if you're being proactive enough? Is your personalization really resonating with leads, prospects, and customers? The answers lie in your data. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to plan and implement a data strategy that ensures your business goals and decisions are data-driven.

  • Digital Advertising — In this certification course, you will learn why today's digital advertisers require many skills to be successful: design, audience targeting, optimization, analysis, and more. Organic content channels are flooded and not reaching as many people as before, so paid advertising is an effective way to get your content to the top of people's feeds (and their minds). In this certification course, you'll learn everything you need to create a customer-centric advertising strategy, including journey-based advertising, bidding and targeting strategies, paid search, social media advertising, programmatic, reporting, and more.

  • HubSpot Sales Software — In this certification course, you will learn that when you're prospecting, there’s a whole bunch of behind-the-scenes work you have to do to figure out who you should be reaching out to. You'll learn how to filter, organize, and view the contacts in your account. You'll also learn about the HubSpot sales tools that will help you add new leads to your account.

There are other classes that are not certifications that also would be helpful: 

  • Understanding blogging in HubSpot — Blogging is an important element of any inbound marketing program because it enables a company to create targeted content for their ideal prospect to attract them to their company.

  • Developing a lead generation campaign with HubSpot — Campaigns are important because they let you segment and analyze your efforts, understand the prospect journey, and determine the ROI of your efforts.

  • Creating calls to action (CTAs) in HubSpot  — Calls to action are the way you can convert visitors into leads by directing them to an offer that is contextually valuable to them.

  • Creating forms in HubSpot — Forms are a detail of any conversion strategy. Although simple in concept, HubSpot forms have advanced capabilities that are worth understanding.

  • Understanding segmentation in HubSpot — Creating landing pages is an art. One of the most important capabilities with pages is the ability to create A/B tests. This way you can experiment with design and content changes to see which ones convert at a higher rate.

  • Managing your contacts with the HubSpot CRM — Building a contact database is what helps you target a growing set of prospects to communicate with.

  • Understanding workflows in HubSpot — Workflows are an important element of marketing automation, which means that becoming a master at workflows is very valuable.

Should you add a HubSpot certification to your resume?

When you're trying to make a great resume, you want to include the right information you reasonably can without adding too much. With that said, should you include your HubSpot certification in your resume?

Whichever HubSpot certification course you complete, it's generally a good idea for you to include these details in it. By including them, you increase your odds that your employer may notice you, as having a good show of your own skills can help you stand out among the rest.

Where else should you include your HubSpot certifications?

A HubSpot certificate is more versatile than just as a way to spice up your resume. You can also put it on your LinkedIn profile, meaning employers looking for said certifications will find you. You can also share it on other websites, including your own personal blog and social media accounts. You may also apply your knowledge on your own personal blog, as this helps refine what you've learned from your education.


Is getting a HubSpot certification worth it? We say yes. Getting a HubSpot certification is a solid way to expand your resume. It communicates to potential employers that you have skills they desperately need and it also shows them you have the diligence to get certifications.

Overall, any one of these certificates is a perfect fit for any business or marketing professional looking to expand their resume. However, the more certifications you have, especially in the field you're trying to get into, you’ll increasingly be seen as a stronger candidate. And with HubSpot certifications, the value of those certifications only increase since so many companies use HubSpot products.

If your business is researching HubSpot for your use, then consider connecting with Bristol Strategy and requesting a HubSpot Demonstration.  If you are interested in learning then read the articles on our blog